Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Strawberries and Bananas

August 18, 2015
I used the magic bullet today instead of the juicer.  I used strawberries and vanilla almond milk.  That was very sweet and not sure if I cared for it.  So, I added a banana to it.  That made it thicker but still really too sweet for me.

That was the last of my strawberries so next will be raspberries...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Intro to my diary...

After seeing 19 doctors and specialists, I still don't know why I have the symptoms I have.  They can pretty much tell me what it isn't, but that doesn't help make me feel better.

Last week when I saw my GP, she suggested purchasing a juicer as a way to get more fruits and veggies into my diet with hopes that might make a difference.  Smoothies, she suggested, might be something to consider.

So we did some research on juicers: types, brands, reviews, cost comparisons, etc, and found one that met the doctor's suggestion within our budget. We made the purchase - and the commitment to try this new (to us) way of doing things.

We have a nice garden and hope to use a lot of the produce from it in our juices and smoothies.  We also made trips to the farmer's market, the local supermarket and to Costco this morning so we have a nice variety to start with.

This blog is nothing more than a way to track the different combinations of fruits and/or vegetables that we try and what we think of them. This way we can replicate the ones we like (and not make our mistakes again!).

If you happen across this blog, feel free to let me know your favorites or to try some of those we've tried.  I make no claim for any type of health standards.  This is all just stuff I like or don't like.  I don't claim to be a writer, a nutritionist or even a cook.  This is just me, with my cat as my editor (and she doesn't say much).

Its all trial and error. And fun.